eatingurbrainz Apr 21, 2008 02:28
sylar's a creep, gd purg, do you get it?, sylar seems less insane today, sylar's being cryptic, sylar is bitter, sad sylar is sad, my doctor left me, sylar's up to something, :(, doctor nusakan, do you really trust him, predatory and prey, someone to stalk, nusakan whyyyy, don't worry - he's still nuts, why, do not want, wtf sylar, you're not gabriel - you're damned, urrrrrrrgh angsting, unacceptable, sylar's a freak, kinda like a puppy, bff, sylar only has sex with himself, wtf
eatingurbrainz Mar 20, 2008 16:24
did you believe?, boogeyman is real kiddos, good friday, easter, sylar's insane, watchmaker at heart, boogeyman, holy saturday, clock clock, sylar's faking it, work, doctor nusakan, predatory and prey, church, sylar luv watches, tick tock, sunday
eatingurbrainz Mar 16, 2008 01:33
doctor nusakan, someone to stalk, i like watches, tick tock, this place is great, purg is fun, ilu voice, clock clock